The End of an Era: Jim Grant on Interest Rates

Richard Hurowitz - The Octavian ReportApril 04, 2022

The most important price in the world is the price of money: namely, interest rates. And interest rates are suddenly on everyone’s minds, as rates shoot upward for the first time in decades.

The effects or this rise will be felt in the markets, the economy at large, in households, and at the election booth. Which is why I went to Jim Grant: the investor, historian, and editor of the Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, which has been required reading on Wall Street for many years. No one has followed the rate cycles more closely or perceptively.

To try to make sense of today’s new environment, the inflation problem, the likely trajectory of markets, and where one might find opportunity in the chaos to come, I spoke with Grant last week from his office in the financial district. In our conversation, he drew on his deep knowledge of financial history to explain why he believes we are likely entering a new cycle that might last decades—and how best to navigate it.

Click here to read the full article on the The Octavian Report website.

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